On Mon, Aug 08, 2005 at 12:13:41AM +0159, Frank Denis (Jedi/Sector One) wrote:
> On Sun, Aug 07, 2005 at 12:49:02PM -0500, Matt Garman wrote:
> >I'd like to load the CPU as much as possible, while at the same time
> >monitoring temperatures, so that I can make sure my computer doesn't
> >overheat. 
>  Try running blogbench - http://blogbench.pureftpd.org/ - it
>  brings hardware to its knees and it can help to discover
>  overheating.

That looks pretty interesting, but aimed more towards filesystems
and I/O.  I'll definately try that, but I'd also like to push the
CPU as much as possible.

Has anyone ever used cpuburn on OpenBSD?  Surely I'm not the first!

Thanks again,

Matt Garman
email at: http://raw-sewage.net/index.php?file=email

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