I'm attempting to install OBSD 3.7 sparc on a Sparcstation 20. I've
been through installs numerous times on 20's, 2's, and an IPC using
previous OBSD versions.
Currently, I only have one install method -- floppy. I could
conceivably set up a netboot install or wrangle a CDR drive if need be.
The problem is this: every time I attempt to install, I get part-way
or all the way through the package download process, and the
installer bombs, dumps hex to the screen, and drops back into OFW. I
don't have serial console, either: I'm using a monitor and keyboard,
so it's tough to say what, if any, error messages may be present.
The more packages I attempt to install, the more likely it is to
crash in the middle of download. If I reduce the packages to bsd and
base37.tgz, I can often get as far as building nodes before the crash.
This system seemed to happily run Solaris 7, booting all the way into
CDE and running seeral apps at once without bombing, so I'm hesitant
to start yanking RAM, but if that's the only thing suspect, I'll do it.
So, my questions are: any ideas what could be causing this? The
farthest I've gotten is a "bootable" system with no network, so the
possibility of a partial-install with manual addition of the other
packages seems questionable. Any suggestions for what I might do to
get through a complete install?
- Install Woes (3.7/sparc) - Spontaneous crashes Jim Fron