From: poncenby <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: syslogd udp port
Date: Sat, 06 Aug 2005 03:15:07 +0100
Abraham Al-Saleh wrote:
On 8/5/05, poncenby <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Firstly I never said mentioned the word security, so I don't know where
Tobias got that from.
I apologise once again for not searching the archives and reading the
man pages.
May I suggest some tolerance(doesn't have to be sincere) for people who
are simply either too busy or too lazy to read man pages in their
entirety. or just simply ignore the email. surely certain people on this
list (theo - that's you!) don't actually enjoy patronising their loyal
In the long run, it's usually faster to do research than to send a
question to a mailing list and hope someone is going to hold your
hand. You waste your time and everyone elses. If you want to be lazy,
pay someone to do your administration, don't expect everyone else to
do it for free.
if you think about what you said...
"in the long run it's usually faster to do research"
just doesn't make sense. i wanted an answer within a day, didn't have time
to read the man pages so posted a question to misc and got an answer
(within a day). f*%k the long run, what exactly is "the long run" anyway.
(see, anyone can be pedantic if they can be arsed).
When i post to misc I hope some kind folk will receive it in the manner
intended (i.e. a newbie attempting to grasp a solid foundation in BSD
concepts). Yes I realise I could gain this from reading every single man
page but that is not realistic (maybe it is for people with nothing better
to do at that time).
the box is run in my own time and when I post a question (as stupid as it
might seem) then go to work and come back with a maillist full of utter
dribble like this, hoping there will be at least 1 constructive answer
somewhere buried within it.
i run a box with openbsd in my spare time - i'm not going to pay for
someone to do it for me. i'll learn the way i want to learn, which differs
depending on how lazy/busy I am at that point in time.
it seems a lot of people assume that openbsd enthusiasts actually have an
unlimited time to find the answers to every single question they will ever
it just isn't the case and tolerance is needed.
do you agree theo? :)
I have spent the last six months installing and uninstalling OpenBSD
countless times on i386, Alpha, Sgi Mips, and Sparc to learn.
Tried Linux, NetBSD and FreeBSD and came to appreciate OpenBSD more and
The last month pretty much full time on learning OpenBSD.
I am sacrificing my consulting time $$ to do this and find it time well
Still got a long ways to go but am learning all I can.
And am subscribed to the mailing lists and read in my spare time. : )
Best regards,
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