> On Fri, 2005-08-05 at 14:30 +0200, Bernd Schoeller wrote:
> My recommendation would be:
>   - call the single user kernel /bsd.sp
>   - add a hard link from /bsd.sp to /bsd
>   - add a description to 'man afterboot' for changing the default
>     kernel by doing 'rm /bsd && ln /bsd.mp /bsd'

After determining nomenclature, why not have a detect in the install,
and then ask a question with the detected kernel as the default? ala

<magical CPU count detection code>
Do you want to use the single (sp) or multiprocessor (mp) kernel? [detected]
<apply appropriate link>

This would streamline things a bit, I think.

Tim Leslie
Dept. Of Geography
Arizona State University

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