On 8/4/05, Gustavo Rios <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > I asked to see how the box would behave in terms of performance.
go grab the oldest PC you can find and you'll probably have roughly equivalent CPU and RAM performance. I hope you're not considering disk I/O as part of "performance", because Soekris boxes don't come with disks. The hardware specs on Soekris gear are clearly listed on the website - you should be able to make rough estimates based on the performance of your software on the hardware you have available. You're also likely to get more useful responses if you include _any_ details about what your software does, what it's written in, or even a URL to the source (if you really want useful comments). -- [EMAIL PROTECTED],darkuncle.net} || 0x5537F527 encrypted email to the latter address please http://darkuncle.net/pubkey.asc for public key