Hello All,

I'm trying to build a vpn between an OpenBSD and a Linux Router. (If I could, I would directly replace the linux box to simplify matters ;-) but that's not possible at the moment :-(

BTW: I want to use RSA-based authentication using x509 certificates. I have already build the CA and also create my certs.

I found the following page but the configfile for isakmpd is full of bugs (looks like a lot of copy and paste without re-editing :-) )

I want you to ask if one of you already has setup this sort of connection and is willing to give me some config files. (Or point me to some good documentation about inter-OS VPNs. I read a lot of docu but most of them deal with homogeneous networks)

Otherwise I will send my configs an error messages in the next days to the list :-D

And yes, I know openvpn is easy to set up, but I don't want to deal with the lower mss/mtu. (But on the other hand openvpn is my fallback solution.)

Mit freundlichen Gr|_en,

  Guido Tschakert

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