Do you really need to use IPsec? If not try OpenVPN (
it's an SSL/TLS VPN, it.s VERY easy to setup works like a charm on OBSD
and is quite happy sitting behind a NAT'd Internet connection. All you
need to do is reverse PAT UDP 1194 from you router's/Firewall's external
interfaces to their repective OBSD partners.
It can do Client -> Firewall and Firewall -> Firewall VPN's and any mix
in between.
And interestingly enough seems quicker than my 3.6->Checkpoint IPsec VPN.
Just a suggest.
Helio Santana wrote:
first excuse my english, please.
I'm trying to make a VPN between 2 computers with OpenBSD behind a
router that connected to internet (See schema)
Private LAN4 ------ OBSD_4 ---- Router_4 ---- Internet ---- Router_5
----- OBSD_5 ---- Private LAN5
Every OBSD has 2 net cards 1 connected to router, and the other to the
hub in private lan.
I have made all steps explained in "man vpn".
My private Lan's are and The Lan
between OBSD and router's are and
Routers redirect all incoming trafic to his respective OBSD and have
his Firewalls disabled.
External IP Router_4 is A.B.C.D, External IP Router_5 is W.X.Y.Z
All computers in LAN4 has access to internet and can make a ping to W.X.Y.Z...
I can make an ssh connection from OBSD_4 to OBSD_5... even from an
conection from Internet.... I can make a ping, etc.
The only way I have make possible to connect the VPN is configuring
routers as modems (I don't know whats the name of this in english, in
spanish 'monopuesto').
But I need to do configuring both routers as routers (in spanish 'multipuesto').
Thanks in advance,