Joe Szedula wrote:
I was trying to build a OpenBSD file server using an old 5U computer I
was given. I purchased:
- AMD Athlon 64 Processor 2800+
- 512MB of RAM
I was going to use a couple of older drives (10GB & 3GB) I had around to
build a working system and then add larger disk drives for the file
server volumes. I picked the ASUS K8S-MX primarily because it's small
size and everything I needed was on the motherboard (ethernet, video,
My problems began when booting from the OpenBSD 3.7 amd64 CD. I got the
following error:
wd0 (pciide0:0:0): timeout
type: ata
c_bcount: 512
c_skip: 0
pciide0:0:0: bus-master DMA error: missing interrupt, status=0x21
I found this page:
that gave the "config" commands to permit booting.
I was successful in booting from the CD but I was unable to install from
the CD (it wasn't found). I installed the drives as follows:
- Primary IDE master: 10GB drive
- Primary IDE slave: 3GB drive
- Secondary IDE master: CD drive
The secondary IDE slave and 2 SATA slots were left for future server
I set up a ftp server on another system but was unable to access the
server. The network didn't work. I installed an ethernet card (D-Link
Systems 530TX+) and then managed to install OpenBSD. I made the required
"config" changes to "/bsd" so that the system would boot without the
above "bus-master DMA error"
I have one box with SIS chips (the first and last, its a crap).
The network only works if the mouse is plugged in! (I know this sounds
wired) No need to configure the mouse or use it on the OS but it has to
be present.
The boot message shows the disks: fd0, hd0+, hd1+
While the drives on the Primary IDE are recognized, the CD drive on the
Secondary IDE is not. The floppy drive in not recognized either. I've
tried 6 of the 8 USB ports and they recognized when I plug in and remove
a USB device (a mouse). The complete "dmesg" output can be found at:
But I found these "unknown" messages in the "dmesg" output:
vendor "SIS", unknown product 0x0965 (class bridge subclass ISA, rev
0x47) at pci0 dev 2 function 0 not configured
vendor "SIS", unknown product 0x0190 (class network subclass ethernet,
rev 0x00) at pci0 dev 4 function 0 not configured
vendor "SIS", unknown product 0x0182 (class mass storage subclass RAID,
rev 0x01) at pci0 dev 5 function 0 not configured
ppb1 at pci0 dev 6 function 0 vendor "SIS", unknown product 0x000a rev
ppb2 at pci0 dev 7 function 0 vendor "SIS", unknown product 0x000a rev
lm0 at isa0 port 0x290/8: unknown winbond chip ID 0x88
I installed another drive at the Secondary IDE slave. Tried installing a
trial version of Windows XP64 (to make sure the hardware was working and
update the BIOS). I found out I had to move the new drive to the "Primary
IDE Master" for Windows to work. After doing that and installing Windows
I found out Windows didn't have drivers for:
- Silicon Integrated Systems Corp
SiS190 100/10 Ethernet Device
PCI bus 0, device 4, function 0
- Silicon Integrated Systems Corp
SiS 182 RAID Controler
PCI bus 0, device 5, function 0
- Analog Devices, Inc.
Sound, video and game controllers
PCI bus 0, device 2, function 7
The ASUS web site had beta drivers which I installed in order to get the
above descriptions. The BIOS and drivers were found on the ASUS web page:
Last week I had a similar problem. ASUS P4P800.
OpenBSD first did not found any harddisk (I use P-ATA).
I checked the bios and put S-ATA in legacy mode (due I didn't need it).
Now the disk was regocnized but I get timeouts. After looking in bios. I
take a lokk directly in the box and put the jumper of the harddisk from
Cable Select to master and now everything works well.
Unless someone has any words of wisdom for fixing my problems with the
ASUS K8S-MX (like 3.7 -current works) it looks like I've managed to get
an unworkable motherboard. Anyone have any recommendations for solutions?
Replacement motherboards? Will OpenBSD 3.8 support this motherboard?
Joe Szedula
Mit freundlichen Gr|_en,
Guido Tschakert
SRC Security Research & Consulting GmbH
Graurheindorfer Str. 149 a Tel: +49-228-2806-138
53117 Bonn Fax: +49-228-2806-199
http://www.src-gmbh.de Mob: +49-160-3671422