Quoting Moritz Grimm <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> >>shell server. Who says that the admin is any more trustworthy than some
> >>other, regular users?
> >
> > They are not, but most of the time they give you confidential information
> > that you must use on that box that you use for stuff other users may
> > not access, like database/pop3 information.
> Huh, why would I give shell access (or even a system account) to anyone
> but fellow admins on a database or mail server in the first place? From
> a user perspective, I for one would rather Post-It[tm] complicated and
> unmemorizeable credentials to my monitor(*) where I have at least some
> idea about who might get to see them instead of putting them into my
> home directory on my own server at home, let alone some server someplace
> else.

I was talking about the multi user systems you mentioned in combination
why I should trust the admin from it, you use passwords on them
which you get from those administrators, being a password to read your
mailbox from there, or being a password from a personal database or
from a system you need to check. It isn't the first time I needed
to use password X to log into system Y to access service A with password B.
Not mentioning I needed an account on server C to be able to connect to
system Y. Where server C and Y are those multi user systems you mentioned.

On the other hand, I never agreed with making it the default, only for
providing a method to change that behaviour without hacking the code.
Which I didn't knew it could be fixed with changing the permissions of
just /etc/skel once, I only read the adduser code near the permissions.
If someone did agree integrating it, I would be happy to read the
next/prev lines and make the patch myself.


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