On 7/26/05, Bruno Delbono <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> +++ Siju George [Tue Jul 26, 2005 at 10:18:56AM +0530]:
> > how much truth is actually in this article???
> It makes a lot of sense and is right on. What I take out of this article is
> that having one single firewall (can be any type: network, application etc.)
> at the perimeter doesn't stop hackers.
> I don't see what really alarmed you? 

Thanks for the reply Bruno. Just the thing whether this is the current
trend. eliminating firewalls and going for an alternative like he

kind regards


>The author makes excellent points and I
> agree with the him.  Now SMB's might traditionally fit better with these
> articles, bigger enterprises tends to differ as many roles (for the users
> anyway) are well defined and access (incoming, outgoing) for internal &
> external.
> -Bruno

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