On Thu, 21 Jul 2005 17:21:22 -0600 (MDT), Diana Eichert

>On Thu, 21 Jul 2005, Daniel Polak wrote:
>> Bill,
>> As it happens I have been e-mailing with SysKonnect about the SK-9S22 
>> and a possible quad port card today!
>> They are thinking about a doing a quad port card but need to be sure 
>> that there is enough interest.
>> Anybody interested in a quad port SysKonnect card please e-mail me and I 
>> will pass on your e-mail address to SysKonnect so they can let you know 
>> when the quad port card becomes available.
>Don't hold your breath, they've been talking to me for over 2 years about
>a particular card and they have yet to produce it and my work day
>perspective usually gives me some sway with vendors.

Speaking of day jobs, vendors, vaporware and stuff that goes *REALLY*
fast, have you gotten to play with the 10G myrinet stuff yet?

I'm still suffering from dehydration due to drooling at the
announcements on their website.


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