On Wed, Jul 20, 2005 at 10:46:34AM -0400, Masoud Sharbiani wrote:
| Is it possible to fix that out of memory condition panic() so that
| instead of a panic system closes one or more of the processes to
| continue to run?

Great Idea ! That way, your server will just keep running and shooting
of random processes as time goes by. Sort of like russian roulette -
it may be that silly cronjob that should've been killed months ago, or
it might be your sshd. All bets are on !

Hmm - might not be such a good idea after all. Perhaps we can mark
certain processes as 'not killable' for this use, then you can rest
assured that your memory will soon be filled with non-killable

The panic may not be the best solution to this problem, but killing
processes is far worse. Feel free to think up a better solution, write
a patch and submit it for review but let's not go the linux way,
please ;P


Paul 'WEiRD' de Weerd


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