Brett Lymn wrote:
> On Mon, Jul 11, 2005 at 03:09:42PM -0401, Nick Holland wrote:
>> Let's see...what possibly fanless, low-power platforms do we have?
>>   i386..ok, but you can native build on on Really Fast Stuff.
> Uh huh... unless your Really Fast Stuff happens to be an amd64 box in
> which case you are no longer doing a native build.

a bit of a disconnect with reality.
You need your build done in half an hour rather than an hour?
This argument line is nonsense.  If you bought an amd64 to back up your
Soekris box, you blew it.

>> Working on an old, slow machine is not a necessity anymore.  If you
>> aren't doing it for fun, move on.  If you can't laugh at release time
>> when someone hands you the SECOND "after the last minute" security fix
>> for an app requiring a rebuild and re-release, you are using the wrong
>> platform.
> Yes, I have been there and done that too - the problem you have is
> when the cut off date for getting the CD master out for duplication is
> looming and you can see you won't have enough time to get a complete
> build done.  That means you have the tough choice of pushing back the
> release date or not shipping that architecture (this leaves out the
> microsoft answer of just shipping with the bug of course...)

The only really slow platform we have on CD is VAX.

IF this were to be a problem, there was a breakdown in the process in
our development (or a horrible bug found in a third-party app).  Worst
case, if a problem is found the day it was supposed to be sent to the
pressing, we just crank another build, we'd still have the disks out on
time...  Worst case, some of the pre-order people wouldn't get their CDs
quite as early.  It would still be an On Time release.

>> Pretending for a moment your argument had merit, what if the cross build
>> works but the native build does not?  What if your slow platform has a
>> platform-specific instability that shows itself on native building?
>> Been there, done that, too.
> Isn't that called a bug?  It's really no different to tracking a bug
> in the native build system... though it may be a lot faster due to the
> faster iteration times.

If you don't see a bug, you ship crap.

>> We've seen what cross-building means for other projects.  We've seen
>> what native building does for OpenBSD.  We rather like our choice.  We
>> have seen what it does for quality.
> Sure, fine.  As I said before, this really impacts the developers more
> than the user community - your choice, you live with it.

With pride.
Our goal is the best possible end product.
I think you just said something about NetBSD's


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