############################ #/etc/pf.conf # ############################ ext_if=\"fxp0\" int_if=\"rl0\" web_server=\"\" pcanywhere_port=\"5631\" sql=\"1433\"
#table <spamd> persist #table <spamd-white> persist scrub in rdr pass on $ext_if proto tcp from any to port www -> $web_server port www rdr pass on $ext_if proto tcp from any to port $pcanywhere_port -> \\ $web_server port $pcanywhere_port rdr pass on $ext_if proto tcp from any to port $sql -> $web_server port $sql rdr pass on $ext_if proto tcp from any to port 21 -> $web_server port 21 rdr pass on $ext_if proto udp from any to port 53 -> $web_server port 53 nat on $ext_if from !($ext_if) -> ($ext_if:0) block return pass quick on { lo $int_if } antispoof quick for { lo $int_if } pass in log on $ext_if inet proto tcp to $ext_if port ssh flags S/SA keep state pass in log on $ext_if inet proto tcp to $web_server port 21 flags S/SA synproxy state pass in log on $ext_if inet proto tcp to $web_server port $sql flags S/SA synproxy state pass in log on $ext_if inet proto tcp to $web_server port 1434 flags S/SA synproxy state pass in on $ext_if inet proto tcp to $web_server port { www, $pcanywhere_port} \\ flags S/SA synproxy state pass in on $ext_if inet proto { tcp, udp } to $web_server port 53 flags S/SA \\ keep state pass out on $ext_if proto { tcp, udp, icmp } from any to any modulate state ############################ #/etc/hostname.fxp0 # ############################ inet XXX.XXX.XX.245 NONE ############################ #/etc/hostname.rl0 # ############################ inet NONE ############################ #/etc/mygate # ############################ XXX.XX.X.193 ############################ #show nat # ############################ haocb# pfctl -v -sn nat on fxp0 from ! (fxp0) to any -> (fxp0:0) [ Evaluations: 1232 Packets: 0 Bytes: 0 States: 0 ] rdr pass on fxp0 inet proto tcp from any to any port = www -> port 80 [ Evaluations: 1575 Packets: 1897 Bytes: 1425567 States: 29 ] rdr pass on fxp0 inet proto tcp from any to any port = 5631 -> port 5631 [ Evaluations: 80 Packets: 0 Bytes: 0 States: 0 ] rdr pass on fxp0 inet proto tcp from any to any port = 1433 -> port 1433 [ Evaluations: 80 Packets: 742 Bytes: 56328 States: 47 ] rdr pass on fxp0 inet proto tcp from any to any port = ftp -> port 21 [ Evaluations: 11 Packets: 0 Bytes: 0 States: 0 ] rdr pass on fxp0 inet proto udp from any to any port = domain -> port 53 [ Evaluations: 11 Packets: 0 Bytes: 0 States: 0 ] ############################ #show rules # ############################ haocb# pfctl -v -sn scrub in all fragment reassemble [ Evaluations: 12151 Packets: 6124 Bytes: 0 States: 0 ] block return all [ Evaluations: 2933 Packets: 14 Bytes: 688 States: 0 ] pass quick on lo all [ Evaluations: 2933 Packets: 0 Bytes: 0 States: 0 ] pass quick on rl0 all [ Evaluations: 2933 Packets: 2919 Bytes: 1503906 States: 0 ] block drop in quick on ! lo inet from to any [ Evaluations: 14 Packets: 0 Bytes: 0 States: 0 ] block drop in quick on ! lo inet6 from ::1 to any [ Evaluations: 14 Packets: 0 Bytes: 0 States: 0 ] block drop in quick inet from to any [ Evaluations: 14 Packets: 0 Bytes: 0 States: 0 ] block drop in quick inet6 from ::1 to any [ Evaluations: 14 Packets: 0 Bytes: 0 States: 0 ] block drop in quick on lo0 inet6 from fe80::1 to any [ Evaluations: 0 Packets: 0 Bytes: 0 States: 0 ] block drop in quick on ! rl0 inet from to any [ Evaluations: 14 Packets: 0 Bytes: 0 States: 0 ] block drop in quick inet from to any [ Evaluations: 14 Packets: 0 Bytes: 0 States: 0 ] block drop in quick on rl0 inet6 from fe80::211:d8ff:fe79:d52b to any [ Evaluations: 14 Packets: 0 Bytes: 0 States: 0 ] pass in log on fxp0 inet proto tcp from any to port = ssh flags S/SA keep state [ Evaluations: 43 Packets: 93 Bytes: 14185 States: 1 ] pass in log on fxp0 inet proto tcp from any to port = ftp flags S/SA synproxy state [ Evaluations: 14 Packets: 0 Bytes: 0 States: 0 ] pass in log on fxp0 inet proto tcp from any to port = 1433 flags S/SA synproxy state [ Evaluations: 0 Packets: 0 Bytes: 0 States: 0 ] pass in on fxp0 inet proto tcp from any to port = www flags S/SA synproxy state [ Evaluations: 0 Packets: 0 Bytes: 0 States: 0 ] pass in on fxp0 inet proto tcp from any to port = 5631 flags S/SA synproxy state [ Evaluations: 0 Packets: 0 Bytes: 0 States: 0 ] pass in on fxp0 inet proto tcp from any to port = domain flags S/SA keep state [ Evaluations: 0 Packets: 0 Bytes: 0 States: 0 ] pass in on fxp0 inet proto udp from any to port = domain keep state [ Evaluations: 0 Packets: 0 Bytes: 0 States: 0 ] pass out on fxp0 proto tcp all modulate state [ Evaluations: 14 Packets: 0 Bytes: 0 States: 0 ] pass out on fxp0 proto udp all keep state [ Evaluations: 0 Packets: 0 Bytes: 0 States: 0 ] pass out on fxp0 proto icmp all keep state [ Evaluations: 0 Packets: 0 Bytes: 0 States: 0 ] web server works fine(www,ftp and pcanywhere control),but i can\'t find any transport from pf state!!!!!! pass in on fxp0 inet proto tcp from any to port = www flags S/SA synproxy state [ Evaluations: 0 Packets: 0 Bytes: 0 States: 0 ] ~~~~~~\\ why??? pass in log on fxp0 inet proto tcp from any to port = ftp flags S/SA synproxy state [ Evaluations: 14 Packets: 0 Bytes: 0 States: 0 ] ~~~~~~\\ why??? pass in log on fxp0 inet proto tcp from any to port = ssh flags S/SA keep state [ Evaluations: 43 Packets: 93 Bytes: 14185 States: 1 ] ~~~~~~\\ it\'s ok and nat state is right! rdr pass on fxp0 inet proto tcp from any to any port = www -> port 80 [ Evaluations: 1575 Packets: 1897 Bytes: 1425567 States: 29 ] rdr pass on fxp0 inet proto tcp from any to any port = ftp -> port 21 [ Evaluations: 33 Packets: 12 Bytes: 592 States: 1 ] anyone can tell me this?i will thank you very much! yours jking ---- iGENUS is a free webmail interface, NO fee, download --------------------------------------------------------- please visit http://www.qmail.org