> Also is it /etc/hostname.ath or /etc/hostname.ath0?  Do you see the
> difference?

It is of course /etc/hostname.ath0.

> But, before you muck around more with hostname.if, try the example from
> "man ath":
> # ifconfig ath0 -bssid -chan media autoselect nwid "" -nwkey -powersave
> then:
> # ifconfig ath0 inet NONE media autoselect
> mediaopt hostap nwid my_net chan 11
> you have to add "ifconfig ath0" (for obvious reasons) to the example in
> the man page.  I have done this a number of times with the exact same
> card you have and it has worked every single time.  I even changed the
> nwid from "my_net" to "pigsfly" and it worked fine.
> You also need to send your ifconfig -a along - you are not doing
> something correctly or the card is broke or I'm out of my mind...

I found my problem, the default mode is 11a and the cards of my clients only
support 11b/g. Including a `mode 11b` in the ifconfig/hostname.ath0
statement solved my problem.

> Steve Fettig

Thanks for your help,
Jonathan Weiss

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