On Fri, Jul 01, 2005 at 10:25:04PM +0200, Oliver J. Morais wrote:
> Hi all!
> OpenBSD 3.7-current (GENERIC) #212: Mon Jun 27 21:48:43 MDT 2005
> I want to use german umlauts in xterm, which works fine using "csh"
> and "ksh -o vi" but NOT using "ksh -o emacs" :-( (Umlauts work fine
> in other applications like vim, xchat, firefox...)
> My ~./profile (Slightly stripped to the relevant parts, umlauts not
> working.)
> ,----[ ~/.profile ]-
> | TERM="xterm-color"
> | VISUAL="vim"
> | export TERM VISUAL
> | set -o emacs

> | set emacs-usemeta on
> | set convert-meta off
> | set input-meta on
> | set output-meta on

This doesn't acheive what you want.

"set emacs-usemeta on" sets $1=emacs-usemeta and $2=on. 

What you want is:

set +o emacs-usemeta

I couldn't find your others -meta options in ksh(1)

> `----
> As soon as I type "set -o vi" I have umlauts, Euro-Sign etc. but I'd
> really like to use "-o emacs" instead of "-o vi"
> I'm sure I'm missing some detail, so: cluestick, anyone? :-)

Hugo Villeneuve <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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