On Sun, 2005-06-26 at 02:19:19 -0400, Ted Unangst proclaimed...

> you changed a default and found a bug.  less than 1% of users ever use -m.  
> there's really no good reason to use -m 1, and several reasons not to (not 
> least of which is it apparently doesn't work).  leave it alone and use the 
> default; you will be happier.

Uh, ok. No offense, but if something is there as a knob to use, it shouldn't
have a bug.

....now don't go off bitching at me yet. My point is this:

# newfs -m 1 /dev/wd1h
# mount /dev/wd1h /home/users
# df -k
/dev/wd1h    257268116  92122160 152282552    38%    /home

Five percent of /home would be a LOT of space that could be used for users.
Naturally, good system adminstration would want to use that space and have
the proper quotas/monitoring in place to alert when things get too close to
being full. 5% of even 10GB, IMHO, is wasted space.

But hey, that's my opinion and I will gladly stfu.

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