On Wed, 22 Jun 2005 13:31:41 -0700 (PDT)
"Anon Y. Mous" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi:
>   I have two files CD1, CD2{*.iso, *.cue, *.bin} that
> I need
> to mount virtually in OpenBSD 3.7/i386 for usage in
> mplayer
> for Video CD playback OR copying as raw data for
> playback.
>   [I can use bchunk to convert the *.bin, *.cue files
> to two *.iso
> files, (if necessary) to use vnconfig to mount these
> images.]
>   How do I use vnconfig and vnd to mount the image
> file?

I have a little doc about that:


Anyway, VNCONFIG(8) is a good page too.

>   Do I need to edit my /etc/fstab for svnd0(x) or
> vnd0(x) as a
> device? If so, should I create a /mnt/vnd or make
> /mnt/cdrom 
> the mount point?
>   Do I need to be root or is sudo sufficient to make
> these
> changes?
>   Finally, are there any limitations of vnd or
> vnconfig that I should know about before attempting
> this, such as, restrictions of file types that can be
> used by the vnd driver?
> Thanks,
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Francisco de Borja Lspez Rmo ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Csdigo23 - Secure Network Solutions
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