On Mon, 20 Jun 2005 07:08:18 -0500, Dave Feustel wrote:

>On Monday 20 June 2005 06:36 am, Marc Espie wrote:
>> On Mon, Jun 20, 2005 at 12:07:13AM -0500, Dave Feustel wrote:
>> > On Sunday 19 June 2005 08:51 pm, Nick Holland wrote:
>> > > Dave Feustel wrote:
>> > > > http://www.amecisco.com/faq_hardwarekeylogger.htm#Q1
>> > > 
>> > > This has nothing to do with OpenBSD.
>> > > It isn't new.
>> > > It isn't unique.
>> > > In effect, you just spammed the list, advertising someone's product.
>> > > 
>> > > If you are going to put totally off-topic stuff on the list, how 'bout
>> > > making it interesting and new?
>> > 
>> > I thought you had more insight. All of OpenBSD's security is at risk with
>> > this technology.
>> Technically, not all. Ever heard of one-time-password ? they're specifically
>> engineered for this kind of risk.
>If one-time passwords capability is built into OpenBSD, where can I read about
>how to use them?

In the FM, dick! Did you look?

You blab on and on about a load of fevered imaginings and after all the
time you've been here asking question after question you still haven't
learned to do basic research. That is the same reason you are ttrotting
out the tripe about how the sky is falling on all of us OpenBSD folk.

STFA or cry on the shoulder of Mrs Google or read the answers in this
thread where at least two, (it seems to even  my failing memory) have
mentioned such things in the last few hours. At least one by Marc Espie
and the other one quoted you a man page reference. 

Go do your own homework for a change or become a farmer where spreading
bullshit has a noble purpose and a fruitful outcome.

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and The Word was Content-type: text/plain
The Word of Rod.

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