On Mon, 20 Jun 2005 00:07:13 -0500, Dave Feustel wrote: >On Sunday 19 June 2005 08:51 pm, Nick Holland wrote: >> Dave Feustel wrote: >> > http://bs.somewhere.real.not >> >> This has nothing to do with OpenBSD. >> It isn't new. >> It isn't unique. >> In effect, you just spammed the list, advertising someone's product. >> >> If you are going to put totally off-topic stuff on the list, how 'bout >> making it interesting and new? > >I thought you had more insight. All of OpenBSD's security is at risk with >this technology.
I thought that <you> might have a brain..... All of OpenBSD's security at risk? How, in your wildest chemically induced dreams, could it be? 1 > Not everything that runs OBSD is a PC and even some of those that are PCs are using serial consoles. 2> You have to "own" the PC to get to "talk" to the keyboard. How will you do that do you suppose? If the PC has been hacked after the firewall has been hacked it is probably running windows anyway and you can spy on it in many ways without a keylogger. Sniffing the packets at the firewall would do for a start. 3> How do you know which firewalls are hiding which keyloggers so that it is worth your while to break in? Oh! I know! They run little programs of their own that nobody notices that send a message to mother, right? And this program runs on every PC OS and so it can ......... and on, and on, and on. If there is one thing worse than conspiracy myths it is the crowd of people without a built-in crap-detector who help spread the stories. Hey, I've got a nice big bridge for sale with great views of Sydney Harbour. No, really! Good price too! R/ >From the land "down under": Australia. Do we look <umop apisdn> from up over? Do NOT CC me - I am subscribed to the list. Replies to the sender address will fail except from the list-server.