On Jun 13, 2005, at 5:49 PM, Dave Feustel wrote:

I write this as a person very committed to OpenBSD as a secure desktop.

I can say from experience that, running with KDE, neither Kspread nor Gnumeric on OpenBSD 3.6 are useable (by me, at least) for hard copy of even simple

I am beginning to think *very* seriously about using a Windows computer
*just* to run MS Excel so I can get reliably and straightforwardly the hard copy I need. Neither gnumeric nor kspread running on OpenBSD 3.6 qualify on the
basis of my brief  experience with those two programs.

Since you don't mention any particular format requirements, I'll assume that any spreadsheet will suffice as long as the features are there.

This is hands-down, the coolest small-footprint spreadsheet program you'll ever find. It consists of only 1536 bytes of C code and won the IOCCC twice. And it supports charts!


Jason Dixon
DixonGroup Consulting

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