Hannah Schroeter wrote:


On Wed, Jun 08, 2005 at 04:06:49PM +0200, Said Outgajjouft wrote:

What source file contains the start up code for OpenBSD?

What do you mean by "start up"? Boot? Kernel initialization? Userland

I mean the first think that is called when the BIOS release control to the OS.

Don't reply off-list. One reply doesn't mean I volunteer to N other
off-list replies.

The BIOS doesn't release control to the kernel, but to the boot loader.
/usr/src/sys/arch/`arch`/stand should be a starting point.

Kind regards,


Thx for the info.
Sorry for the off-list reply (was by mistake).

OpenBSD keep it real by keeping it free!
Said Outgajjouft

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