Funny you should mention this - I've been poking at my zaurus to see
about keeping track of time across power loss. It seems that the RTC
is powered from the battery/wall and if there is no power, we lose the
RTC. Why oh why couldn't they have stuck in a little wristwatch timer,
BACKED BY AN INDEPENDENT watch battery...? ya ya, cost and size...

Anyway, I made friends with the processor manual:

On 6/8/05, Matthias Kilian <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Running ntpd -s on my zaurus, I sometimes (not allways) get log
> messages like
>         reply from ...: negative delay -0.000022
> IMHO, potential candidates are (in decreasing order):

Don't forget about a possibly off-kilter realtime clock. TFM says that
there are two 1Hz clocks, one 100Hz clock and one 1kHz clock all
accurate to one part in 32768. obRTFM: page 935-937 of the PXA27x
processor family manual.

> OpenBSD 3.7-current (GENERIC) #0: Sun Jun  5 13:30:53 CEST 2005
> ...
> saost0 at pxaip0 addr 0x40a00000
> saost0: SA-11x0 OS Timer
> ...
> clock: hz=100 stathz=64

10ms clock, +/- 30.5usec. Not exactly the best thing in the world if
you're looking for sub-millisecond timing.
1/32768 = .0000305
.0000305 > fabs(-0.000022)

In short, the delay error is within the error limits of the onboard clocks.

GDB has a 'break' feature; why doesn't it have 'fix' too?

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