Is there anything similar to Linux's pwck available ?
(No need to tell me that we're in OpenBSD, please !)

What I'd want, is to check the passwd file and delete all home dirs that
have no user account any longer.
Then, I'd also create home dirs for all users in the passwd without home
dir yet.
Since this is a migration of > 100 users from Linux, I don't feel like
doing it manually and the FAQ stops at importing the accounts.
Getting the list of the users on Linux doesn't help, there are about 100
home dirs for archive reasons; without valid accounts.
So I'd actually need an auto-creation of home dirs for active accounts
from an OpenBSD passwd file. Plus, I don't need the _ and < 1000.

I searched Google and in here, but so far without success. Did I overlook
anything ?


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