On Wed, 2005-06-01 at 18:54 -0300, Javier Villavicencio wrote: > Mick escribis: > > On Tue, 2005-05-31 at 08:33 -0400, Melameth, Daniel D. wrote: > > > >>Mick wrote: > >> > >>>I seem to be seeing somewhat odd behaviour with regards to the > >>>userpace PPPoE program and my high speed ADSL link. By "high speed" I > >>>mean 8Mbps down and 1Mbps up. Initially, I was on a 512/128 plan > >>>before I upgraded to a 1500/256 plan and then finally to a 8000/1000 > >>>plan. Now, with the 512/128 and 1500/256 plans, download (as well as > >>>upload) speeds were fine as I could usually saturate my connection - > >>>especially with a 'test' file that was hosted on my ISP's FTP site > >>>(this test file was placed there by my ISP in order for their ADSL > >>>clients to test their connections). However, after I upgraded to the > >>>8000/1000 plan, while upload speeds were still fine (they now > >>>typically average at 800Kbps to FTP servers that I have write > >>>permissions to), download speeds average at around 256kbps (after a > >>>brief initial download spike of several million bps) - even from my > >>>ISP's FTP site. > >> > >>Mick, > >> > >>Have you been able to determine what is causing the issue? I'm having a > >>similar problem with the kernelized pppoe in 3.7 :/ . > >> > >>Danny > >> > > > > > > Hi Danny. > [big snip] > > > > So after much googling (and dicking) around, I decided to try the kernel > > mode pppoe client - and I'm happy to report that it works great. > > Downloads from my ISP's FTP site are once again transferring at speeds > > in execess of 800KB/s. I only have one desktop machine (which runs > > Debian GNU/Linux) hooked up to my OpenBSD box here and so it was trivial > > to set mtu's to 1492 on the desktop machine as well as on the internal > > interface on the OpenBSD machine. Once I did that then, the transfers, > > instead of briefly stopping once every 5 seconds or so, came down > > solidly. i.e without any breaks or pauses. > > > > > > Hello Danny, Mick. > > I had a similiar issue with kernel mode pppoe in 3.7. I installed 3.7, > and using the kmode pppoe downloads were good (I have an ADSL line which > is uncapped, i'm only limited by the quality of the cable/modem). Until > I established my packet filter rules (which were -very- similar to ones > I used before, but not with pppoe) and NAT, then I couldn't browse > anything from the internal machines, couldn't even resolve from the bind > daemon on the OpenBSD. > > Then I switched back to userland pppoe, with the same packet filtering > rules, queues and NAT, (only changing the macro $ext_if from pppoe0 to > tun0, for an example) it is now working 'fine'. > > I was going to send an email like yours to the list after a little > more 'research' specially, enabling debug log in the packet filter to > guess which rule I mistyped that screws up kernel mode pppoe, but since > there is your mail, here are my thoughts too, to seek a little more help > about this. > > Salu2, > Javier >
Hi Javier. What you described is essentially what I did - that being that I simply changed the declaration of: ext_if = "tun0" to ext_if = "pppoe0" (which is located at the very beginning of my pf.conf) and that was it. It works perfectly. Perhaps you have one or more lines with literal references to tun0 (whereas it/they should instead be to $ext_if) in your pf.conf? Mick.