On 6/1/2005 at 11:30 AM Bruce Marriner wrote: |Thank you everyone for the wonders of information. I have read the |vpn man page - along with all the other ipsec man pages. Apparently I'm |not quite as brilliant as everyone here and those resources did not quite |answer all my questions. Sorry for disturbing you all in hopes there was a |good sound how-to out there somewhere - thinking someone here might know of |it's where abouts. | | The OpenBSD documentation I was talking about - and saying there was "no |support" for - At one point the openbsd website had a faq on VPN's which is |no longer maintained because they did not have anyone to keep it up to |date. | |The link - used to be http://www.openbsd.org/faq/faq13.html but that's now |something totally different. Anyhow - thanks a ton. | =============
Maybe this may help http://www.drijf.net/vpn/