On Wed, Jun 01, 2005 at 12:55:45PM +0000, Adam Gleave wrote: > I've been looking at KVM's (on eBay mostly, for price reasons :)). > What I really need is something that: > > 1. Will work on a variety of OS's (Linux, OpenBSD, *BSD, ...anything).
Those thingies don't *really* need OS-support, tho the OS should be ok with the fact that those KVMs (or at least the two-three I used to see in action) switch the signals completely "away" from a computer, thus loosing voltage. This is my opinion what is happening there; however there is the effect that the mouse needs 1-2 seconds to react on user input after you switched back and stuff like that. > OpenBSD being most important :) There used to be a remark about problems with KVMs on OpenBSD, I cannot find them anymore, tho. I don't even know if they were fixed, I know there were problems. > 2. Will work both graphical and console They simply switch the cables, they should work with every "layer" on top of the hardware-layer. However, graphical meaning x11r6, I sometimes had to switch to a VT and back to X on some unices to make the mouse behave sane again. > Also, is there any major problem of connecting a KVM to another KVM. > That is, say connecting a Belkin omnicube to a variety of computers > and one other OmniCube KVM which is in turn connected to other > computers. That might fix my port problem, hmm. >From my (limited) technical understanding of KVMs, it should work. There could be of course something I forgot and did not even know. I *think* a friend of mine drives that setup.. did not meet him in ages, tho, so I can't really tell ;) > > Thanks! > > -- > Adam Gleave > [ OpenBSD 3.7 (GENERIC) #50: Sun Mar 20 00:01:57 MST 2005 ]