Cody Holland wrote:
I hope I have the right list.  I'm pretty new to OpenBSD and this is the
1st thing I've ever posted.  I'm trying to upgrade a Sun Netra T1-105
from 3.6-stable to 3.7-stable.  I've got the instructions and everything
is going great until this command:
cd /usr/src/etc && env DESTDIR=/ make distrib-dirs
When I execute this command I get:
if [ ! -d //. ]; then  install -d -o root -g wheel -m 755 /;  fi
mtree -qdef mtree/4.4BSD.dist -p // -U
if [ ! -d //usr/src ]; then  install -d -o root -g wsrc -m 775
//usr/src;  fi
cd //; rm -f sys; ln -s usr/src/sys sys
rm: sys: is a directory
*** Error code 1

Stop in /usr/src/etc (line 246 of Makefile).

Now it looks like it's trying to remove the sys directory....but I'm
really not sure.  So I thought I would ask the people that would know.
Here is a dmesg of my server, if I need to provide any more info please
let me know.
OpenBSD 3.6 (GENERIC) #304: Fri Sep 17 13:01:33 MDT 2004


I can't tell you what is wrong, but I can tell you that 3.7
will install just fine on a Netra-105.  I was chasing -current
up to the point where 3.7 was frozen and have re-made the
distribution many times.   I have since installed -release
and updated to -stable also with no issues on production

I suggest you start again with the documentation in hand.
Follow it step-by-step and post where the trouble starts.


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