That's awesome news.  I have the same setup (4cpu/16GB).

Thanks very much for the response (and ddp also)... I will 
happily test anything that comes out.

On 5/19/05, Jason George <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 5/19/05, Need Coffee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I've been searching but can't find anything concrete... amd64.html
> > and the FAQ's amd64 section do not mention any problems, so I'm
> > asking here.  (I found little bits here and there about this problem
> > affecting a lot of freenixes but nothing tangible.  Apologies if I've
> > missed something major...)
> >
> > Trying to boot a sun v40z with >4GB RAM fails with OpenBSD/amd64
> > 3.6 and 3.7-current from yesterday.  i386 3.7-current works.
> >
> > (begin snippet from amd64 3.7-current from yesterday)
> >
> > >> OpenBSD/amd64 PXEBOOT 1.06
> > booting tftp:bsd.rd: 1468848+300494+2137464+0+469256
> [80+156528+90879]=0x8692c
> 8
> > entry point at 0x1001e0 [7205c766, 34000004, 24448612, 68a0a304]
> > skipping 3824615424 bytes of memory above 4GB
> > panic: init_x86_64: can't find end of memory
> >
> > The operating system has halted.
> > Please press any key to reboot.
> >
> > (end snippet)
> >
> > Removing all but 4GB of memory allows the system to boot without
> > issue.
> >
> > So, the inevitable question:  is there any workaround or fix in
> > development that I may test?  I would happily do so.  Should I
> > sendbug(1) this?  My guess is that this is already well known to
> > everyone except me...
> >
> > Thanks in advance.
> >
> >
> This issue is known to the pertinent developers - I worked with them a few
> few weeks ago on the issue.  My 4-way/16GB v40z was barking the same way.
> We were able to exclude the extra memory using "machine memory" at the
> boot prompt, but it became evident that more work with memory mapping on
> large-memory devices is required.  The network and SCSI/RAID drivers could
> not be mapped even after we were able to boot bsd.rd.
> We'll discuss the issue (and others) in the next 9 or 10 days over a lot
> of beer at the hackathon.
> --Jason

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