Nick Holland wrote:
On Wed, May 18, 2005 at 03:46:48PM +0200, Alexander Hall wrote:


Does BIOS and/or hardware and/or OS limitations on disk size apply when using a hw RAID card (in my case, the LSI MegaRaid 150-4). If so, which ones? I assume the "root within 504M" does, but is there anything else to think about?

"Root within 504M" is only applicable if the BIOS controlling your boot
device can handle only 504M.

The limitation is one of the BIOS controlling the boot device.  In the
case of the add-on RAID card, it is the RAID card's BIOS, not the system
BIOS or the system board.

If there is, would configuring a few smaller virtual disks, instead of one large, solve the problem? As far as I know, the MegaRaid supports this.

If there's an issue that needs solving, it is on the MegaRAID
controller, don't expect the controller to save you from problems it

I'm not talking about huge disks, just disks of a size that older motherboards would not handle well. I'm thinking about mirroring two 250GB disks as one logical disk.

for the configuration you are describing, the mother board isn't
handling the disks AT ALL, so it isn't an issue.

Be aware, a lot of machines that support big disks don't like booting
from beyond 128GB/137GB (depending on your definiton of a GB).  I would
guess that a lot of the add-on RAID controllers also have limitations in
the BIOS support...simply because a relatively few number of people
would install a 250GB disk, then try to boot off the tail end of it.


Well that makes sense. I realize that I don't have enough insight in the early (pre-biosboot(8)) stages. I guess there is a lot of reading to do for the interested. The interested with a lot of free time. :)

Anyway, this is good news. Thanks a lot.


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