On Mon, 16 May 2005 01:13:03 +0900, Joel Rees <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>>  I'm quite sure Paul Graham would very
>> happily tell you all the logical reasons why the end result would
>> eventually be a dialect of LISP. ;-)
>And perl is a dialect of LISP, isn't it?

I would bet said self proclaimed "expert" would say the current perl
is still lacking in some essential way but still insist that sooner or
later it *MUST* become LISP to be any good and of course, the same is
true for all programming languages.

I'm really not sure what I find more disturbing; the fact someone is
crazy enough to publicly proclaim such things or the fact there's a
chance he may actually be right.

>Joel Rees
>     (A FORTH dreamer, imprisoned in a Java world)

You need to start using FIFTH, preferably filled with single malt. It
works a lot better for dreaming than Java.


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