On Fri, May 13, 2005 at 01:06:19PM +0200, Per Engelbrecht wrote:
Hi all
[OpenBSD 3.7 amd64 bsd.mp]
Is it possible to build a ccd during install ?
I need an extreemly large /var (spanning the remains of two disks) and would like /var/ to be installed there.
Looks to me a bit like the 'chiken and egg' thing.
As OpenBSD is shipped, the initial /var directory is less than 10MB of data. This is so little data that you can keep it in your / partition until you create your ccd later, once your computer is setup.
(It isn't like you are working with 120MB hard-drives here and want to ccd /usr.)
Then the FAQ should help you with moving existing data into a new partition and rewriting /etc/fstab.
Well the problem is not moving /var, it was more of a have_I_missed_something like question.
As for ccd in the install. It isn't supported by the script. You are on your own.
pseudo-device ccd is in RAMDISK_CD but ccdconfig isn't on the miniroot offered while installing. That would mean that some shell hacking would be needed to create ccds at install (or setup existings ccds at upgrade time).
Good explanation.
Can't find 'pseudo-device ccd' in GENERIC but 'config' tells me it's there i.e. kernel-tweaks should not be needed.
Follow the "include" statement in GENERIC.
Ahh, got it!
Note that I haven't used ccd since I replaced 2 small 1GB drive with a 4GB one in my VAXstation 4000/60. ccd was more efficient than /usr/src or /usr/obj on NFS.
I don't use ccd much eighter, but being able to use it from the install would be nice.
Thank you for the answer. Have a nice weekend.