Fafafafafafafafafafafark off troll. FOAD.fafafafafafafr fafafafafar away.
At least _try_ to be lyrically gifted.
You aren't good enough to be amusing, that takes skill, and your crap is so poor it isn't worth being annoyed about.
It would take skills to understand what you mean here.
So you are a space wasting oxygen thief. Back to kindy for you until you grow up.
That must be some bad weed you're smoking :(
From the land "down under": Australia. Do we look <umop apisdn> from up over?
Australians are descendants of prisoners.
Down under you were born and down under you will remain. Bash your head open and leave a track of bloodstain. Plain brain ain't got no game. Daaang, kid ...
Looking up at the upper world's ass --
Fafa Hafiz Krantz Senior Designer @ http://www.home.no/barbershop Furious @ http://www.home.no/barbershop/smart/sharon.pdf
Anyone that would sink to such lows just because someone jabbed at him is definitely not right for the job. If you had indeed been seeking to help, you would have ignored these jabs. You are not a professional, please either stop presenting yourself as one, or maintain a more professional attitude.