> internet.  So, I stopped my dhcpcd client, and restarted it.  After, when
> I try to ping www.google.com, it's does'nt work, but I can ping the next
> router, or gateway if you prefer (showed in netstat -nr.  If my IP is
> x.x.x.234, the router is x.x.x.1 ).  I tried several time to have the

Sounds like it wont add proper default gateway to me.
Could be that you kept a bad default gateway route and dhcpcd cant
replace it with a good one. I've seen this happen a few times on another
bsd flavour (FreeBSD). I've also seen it triggered when icmp redirect
redirects the gateway. This was a about 3 years ago though, moved on to
new jobs since then. I dont know how things work now though.

Sten Daniel Sxrsdal

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