Rick Barter wrote:
Rick Barter wrote:

Theo de Raadt wrote:

Something else... today I had a chance to checkout a new wireframe
puffy tshirt.  The texture of them is incredible, blind people will
appreciate the shirts a lot, heck they are just plain sexy.  We should
have made a wireframe blowfish tshirt a very very long time ago.

That's why I ordered two! In fact, I may do something crazy and buy a wireframe t-shirt for every damn day of the week! Woohoo! In fact, I think the wireframe puffy image is so sexy, I made a quickie background of it (1024 x 768) for my machines that use graphical desktops. I've attached it for anyone who cares to use it.

Also, if you want a different file format or size, let me know and I'll do it and put it up on the list.

Thanks for supporting OpenBSD by buying our products.  Thanks also
especially to those of you who put a financial donation in with your
orders (please give us a few months to add those to the donations
list, since we must check them carefully).

Thanks to everyone that is working on this project. I can't tell you how much I appreciate it. I've learned more about Unix, networking, etc. from using OpenBSD and this list in the past couple of years than I have from any other single source of information.

Thank you to all the developers, the maintainers, the documenters (is that a word?), administrators, users out there. Your contributions are definitely recognized and appreciated.

Also, to all the companies that use OpenBSD tools and products and haven't donated a monetary unit (dollar, pound, euro, whatever) or hardware or time to help the project, SHAME ON YOU! WTF are you waiting for? If you are too embarrassed to rectify your errors, hire me and I'll donate a portion of my paycheck for your transgressions! (Yes. I'm still out of work. But, I have an interview on Wednesday :))

Wow. I guess I got a little bit carried away there. Whew. I need an aspirin.


Er...after taking my aspirin, I realize I got so excited that I forgot to attach the image. I'm a loser. But, you all knew that already.


Ummm...it just occurred to me that the attachment will be removed from the email. This time I'll just give a link to the image on my web server: http://www.indyironworks.com/~rvb01/openbsd/

If this doesn't work for some reason, let me know.  I won't clutter
the list with anymore of my nonsense today.


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