yes I read the web page. Thanks for the tip with the display, now
sometimes I can see some kind of result. Basically most of the tests
are failing:
- mir_demo_standalone_render_to_fb: Shows the green background, with
the bitmap, but no animation ongoing
- mir_demo_standalone_render_overlays: Black screen. If I remember
right, maybe there was a mouse cursor visible one time?
I think we do not need to continue from here. Something is heavily
bugged. Additional info:
- libhybris tests test_egl and test_glesv2 are both OK. test_glesv2
shows animation correctly...
BR Florian
Quoting Cemil Azizoglu <cemil.azizo...@canonical.com>:
Have you read through the android_new_device_bringup document?
IIRC, you can force the display to stay on by running
adb shell sudo repowerd-cli display on
You can also get help at #ubuntu-mir channel on freenode.
Best of luck
On Fri, Mar 24, 2017 at 4:35 PM, Florian Leeber <fl...@bin.org.in> wrote:
Hello All,
I am faithfully trying to port the current Ubuntu Touch vivid image to
the Samsung Galaxy S3 (i9300). Basically I have a good progress, the
phone is booting, kernel is fine, lxc container started etc...
But, again as already seen on a previous porting with an even older
device, I am stuck with graphics:
- regardless of the test I try (mir tests) I always get
libEGLvalidate_display:262 3008 (EGL_BAD_DISPLAY)
- screen stays dark (actually who is turning on and off the screen, and
where is the timer for the default screen blanking, can I disable that)
Can you help me to find out why this is happening? Basic test_egl and
test_glesv2 seem to be fine (though I cant tell for sure w/o a screen)
BR Florian
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