I'm glad that the topic of EGL platforming was split off, its a different
question than the one I was raising in the "What is a MirRenderSurface?"

So really the question here is "should Mir have its own
EGL_KHR_platform_mir". I'm not opposed to this in general.

This goes back to the charter that we were given at the start of Mir, which
is to accept drivers as they come to us, especially if they come to use in
binary form with no intention from the driver authors to change anything
about their drivers. The notable example of this is the Android platform,
but the wider intention is to stay flexible for closed-source binary
drivers that have been coming our way.

So if we re-examine that question and decide that we're our own platform,
then we can bolt other technologies on top via the use of shims and such.
It is a bit more work for 'non-mir' platforms, especially when we have to
deal with hybris and creating shim libraries and such to wrangle things
into a mir-platform-interface (which at this point we don't define).

I'd rather just continue saying that Mir is a WindowManager that can take
plugins to different platforms, as opposed to saying Mir is a WindowManager
and NativeWindowType, and non-mir platforms have to be adapted to the mir
platform. It also is 'staying the course' as far as the story that we've
been promulgating to driver developers.

IMHO, The decision to define our own windowing type is something that will
affect more than just the mir team (it has to do a bit with strategy), so
would be good to get input from a wider audience.

On Thu, Sep 8, 2016 at 10:26 PM, Christopher James Halse Rogers <
ch...@cooperteam.net> wrote:

> Thinking about this further, I think we'll *have* to implement a shim
> libEGL in the not-too-distant future. We can't propose or use
> EGL_KHR_platform_mir unless we implement it on the Android stack. (And we
> want to, because it's useful in certain cases).
> So I therefore think we *should*:
> #define EGLNativeWindowType MirRenderSurface*
> #define EGLNativeDisplayType MirConnection*
> implement our libEGL shim providing the Mir platform on Android, and
> deprecate mir_connection_get_egl_native_display() and not implement
> mir_render_surface_get_egl_native_surface().
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