I tend to agree, although i am curious to hear what others think.
My hope would be that we'd be balanced about adopting "new language
variants and dependencies" - if we have reasons to do so, then do those
outweigh stagnating for the sake of being able to build on older ubuntu


On Thu, Aug 6, 2015 at 10:35 PM, Daniel van Vugt <
daniel.van.v...@canonical.com> wrote:

> All,
> In the past we've made decisions to adopt new language variants and
> dependencies for Mir that meant only users on the latest Ubuntu release
> could build the latest Mir code. And if the latest Ubuntu release means the
> pre-release then we're probably excluding most Ubuntu users from being able
> to build the Mir code and getting involved.
> In early development that's fine, but I'm wondering if we can agree to aim
> for some solidification. For example, should we say that after Ubuntu 16.04
> LTS is released all Ubuntu releases thereafter should be usable for doing
> development on Mir? Or just the latest LTS plus the latest release (ie.
> follow the Ubuntu support schedule)?
> - Daniel
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