~mir-team owns the */devel-mir-next branches AFAIK. So we can and should land changes to those directly without waiting or reviews (or external documents). It will then get reviewed by downstream when the downstream team wants to merge it to their trunk.

Failing to update */devel-mir-next just holds everyone else up (mir-team and downstreams). As we cannot do whole-stack testing with the latest code.

On 11/03/15 04:59, Kevin DuBois wrote:
As for the Display changes, the branch is/was here:

It seems sensible to me that the mir team should keep around a list
(google docs maybe?) of the branches that fix the downstreams. If in the
review process, we find that a change breaks the downstream, maybe we
should wait to land that branch until the downstreams have a fix. This
would make it easier for the release-designate come release time, as
well as anyone trying to tinker with the whole stack against lp:mir.

On Fri, Mar 6, 2015 at 5:04 AM, Alan Griffiths
<alan.griffi...@canonical.com <mailto:alan.griffi...@canonical.com>> wrote:

    On 06/03/15 09:57, Daniel van Vugt wrote:
    > "failing to build against lp:mir" I mean.

    Point taken.

    We should automate this check.

    > On 06/03/15 17:55, Daniel van Vugt wrote:
    >> Hi all,
    >> The following branches are failing to build right now. Could the owners
    >> of the respective changes please look into the issues?
    >> lp:qtmir/devel-mir-next
    >>    kdub: Display class changes (still calling flip())
    >>    racarr: keymap_changed()
    >> lp:unity-system-compositor/devel-mir-next
    >>    racarr: spinner/eglapp.c needs buffer stream (copy from lp:mir?)
    >>    alan_g: mir/time/timer.h missing

    OTOH I don't deserve credit for AlbertA's work.

     >>    alan_g: FocusController changed
     >> There may be more build failures hiding behind those ones...
     >> - Daniel

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