We had a discussion on supporting LTS at the standup today. We see a number
of issues :

- Supporting the LTS (Trusty) Mir codebase would not be useful due to the
huge amount of development effort that has gone into Mir since the LTS
release. Many interfaces changed, features added, codebase reorged, etc..

- Supporting the Mir trunk on Trusty would be problematic as well due to
the bumped package dependencies (e.g. Trusty uses gcc 4.8, whereas vivid,
and utopic, uses gcc 4.9); due to downstreams not having Trusty branches,

So we need to decide :

- Does Mir (and the downstreams) really need to support Trusty?
- If yes, what is the simplest way to do that?

For the latter, I can imagine we could backport the Mir trunk to Trusty
(updating gcc, other package dependencies, downstreams, etc, and their
dependencies in turn). But I'm afraid, this might be akin to basically
slowly updating everything and ending up in the end with Vivid.



On Tue, Feb 17, 2015 at 8:33 AM, Oliver Ries <oliver.r...@canonical.com>

> On Tue, Feb 17, 2015 at 6:08 AM, Alan Griffiths <
> alan.griffi...@canonical.com> wrote:
>> On 17/02/15 12:37, Alexandros Frantzis wrote:
>> > Let me know what you think.
>> There are probably four important constituencies that need to build Mir
>> and they may well be targeting different platforms.
>> 1. Mir developers - they are clearly targeting vivid
>> 2. Client-side "toolkit" developers - these could be targeting the LTS
>> (trusty) or the stable release (utopic) as well as vivid
>> 3. Server-side "Shell" developers - the ones we are aware of are
>> targeting vivid
>> 4. Graphics "platform" developers - there are none, but they would
>> likely target the LTS (trusty)
> yeah, please keep the L(ong) in LTS in mind :)
> thx,
> O.
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