Even displays of the same refresh rate are a problem (see in X/Compiz
where all but one of your displays will tear).
In Mir (the DRM platform) we've solved this with parallel rendering
while waiting for the previous page flips. Because if you have multiple
monitors at the same refresh rate, the upper limit on time to wait for
vsync on all of them is (asymptotically) double that of a single monitor.
It's possible HWC could support such an approach, so long as we have the
required triple-buffering in the compositor.
On 11/12/14 10:31, Christopher James Halse Rogers wrote:
On Thu, Dec 11, 2014 at 7:59 AM, Kevin DuBois
<kevin.dub...@canonical.com> wrote:
Details of why:
HWC's prepare() and set() functions post to all the displays in one call.
Incidentally, how does this work with displays of different refresh
rate? Does HWC drop pending flips when a new flip is scheduled?
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