On Mon, Nov 10, 2014 at 10:58 AM, Alan Griffiths <
alan.griffi...@canonical.com> wrote:

> On 10/11/14 03:31, Daniel van Vugt wrote:
> >
> > Sounds like a response to one of my merge proposals. So please put
> > arguments in the code reviews...
> There's a good reason to discuss this outside of a specific code review:
> we need to agree the "big picture".
> ​
There is an apparent disagreement about the approach to window
> management policy and that affects the review of any and all MPs in this
> area.

> I've always understood the intent to be that Mir enables shells (in
> general and specifically unity8) to implement policies about how things
> should be presented. It is far easier for a shell to provide a policy
> around, say "menus" if it is asked to "show a menu" than if it is asked
> for a window, then asked to "parent" it, then asked to position it, etc.
> With this approach there is never any point at which the server knows
> what the client intends.
> If we intend to push the presentation policy out to the client toolkits
> then they will provide inconsistent (a.k.a. incorrect) policy
> implementations. (Especially if, as we should hope, there are multiple
> shells written using the Mir library that implement policies differently.)
​To add here: Policy implementations have to live server-side. Otherwise,
as Alan points out correctly, enforcing any sort of default behavior is
almost impossible, or tedious at best.


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