On Fri, Oct 03, 2014 at 12:23:40PM +0100, Alan Griffiths wrote:
> Some time ago we introduce a "temporary" facility to hook into the
> protobuf messaging protocol. This is exemplified by the
> DemoPrivateProtobuf acceptance tests. This support was intended to allow
> faster prototyping of some features that would eventually migrate into Mir.
> Once these features were stable and integrated into Mir we intended to
> remove this support (and these files have always carried a warning not
> to use these APIs "for real").
> As part of our stabilization of API and ABI efforts we should be trying
> to remove this support from the API. In particular, Mir cannot ensure
> compatibility across different Mir servers for any toolkits that depend
> on such features.
> However, things have not worked out as intended. These APIs are in use
> for an (apparently stable) unity.protobuf.UnityService service copied
> between platform-api, unity-mir and qtmir.

My understanding is that Unity is now using DBus for clipboard
support. QtMir doesn't use protobuf any more, and the unity-mir project
is obsolete. There are still references to unity.protobuf.UnityService
in platform-api, but I don't think the code path is actually useful.

If the above is correct, then no one is using our temporary protobuf
facility any more. Unless we think that it may still be useful as a
prototyping facility, we can remove it.

> It would clearly be better to have a single definition of this service
> in Mir than requiring all downstream projects to replicate it for
> compatibility.

As discussed above, this may be a non-issue, but, in case we do need to
keep the service, I don't think we should involve Mir. Currently, the
UnityService API is specific to the Unity shell and Mir shouldn't have
any knowledge of shell specific constructs. If we think the
functionality is useful in general we should promote it to a proper Mir


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