I think a MirBool is enough. Although if anyone does implement the Qt function later then that one doesn't have such luxury. You would have to return some invalid Point for Qt.

On 14/08/14 16:25, Alan Griffiths wrote:
On 14/08/14 00:31, Christopher James Halse Rogers wrote:

mir_debug_surface_coord_to_screen(MirSurface, int x, int y, int* outx,
int* outy)

in libmirclient-debug and hooked it up to a --debug flag, who would
object, and what would those objections be?

Returning a bool (or an enum?) to indicate whether the transformation
was successful?

We shouldn't forget that this transform may not be supportable. As
discussed at length there could be 0 or many screen point for a surface

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