There is a discussion going on on ubuntu-phone about this. Having gone through the release process where I've had to make sure the changelog is accurate, I think it's a good time to discuss this within the team.
Currently, we seem to complete the changelog when we release, which makes it difficult to come up with an accurate picture of what went into the release (unless you're Daniel, blessed with the attention-to-detail gene). I propose some ideas here, some of which are requested by the CI team: 1- Committer updates the changelog (as part of the same commit) 2- If it's a bug fix, add the LP#. 3- If it's a new feature, explain briefly what it is. 4- If it's an ABI break, point it out, along with a broad description of what was added/deleted/changed. 5- If there is a change in dependencies, point it out. Feel free to add/modify this list and we can discuss it in more detail on a standup next week. -- Cemil Azizoglu Mir Display Server - Team Lead Canonical USA
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