On Mon, Nov 25, 2013 at 7:51 AM, Christopher James Halse Rogers
<r...@ubuntu.com> wrote:
> One of the architectural things that I want to get done at the sprint
> next week is a solid idea of how we want to do nested
> compositing/out-of-process plugins/subsurfaces - which all seem to me to
> be aspects of the same problem.

There is a security relevant issue here, too. Trusted helpers as well
as input methods should have a way to
"compose" UIs across process boundaries, too. See
https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Security/TrustStoreAndSessions for an
introduction to the problem.

> In order to prime the discussion - and to invite outside contributions -
> I thought I'd lay out the usecases as I see them before we get to
> London.
> There are two conceptual use-cases here -
> 1) “I want to delegate some of my UI to a third party”, and
> 2) “I need to do some compositing, and want to do this efficiently”
> A Unity8 session running under unity-system-compositor falls under (2).
> A video player playing a YUV stream that might also want to throw some
> RGB-rendered UI over it is also (2); a video player that has some chrome
> around a video widget is (1) and (2).
> The “embed bits of other applications in our window” requested on
> https://bugs.launchpad.net/mir/+bug/1230091 is firmly in (2).
> As I see it, there are also two classes of problem:
> a) How is the rendering loop coordinated between parent and child - does
> the parent need to swap each time the child has new rendering, or can
> the child swap independently, or are both modes available? What happens
> if a child also wishes to embed children of its own?
> This is the only concern for the type (2) use-case.
> b) How is input handled? Does the parent need to proxy input events and
> forward them on? How does enter/leave notification work for the parent
> and child? Can the child return events to the parent? Etc.
> This is necessary for the type (1) use-cases, and also seems to be the
> hairy bit.
> Weston (but not yet Wayland) currently partially solves (2) with the
> subsurfaces protocol, which has chosen the “no child rendering appears
> until the parent swaps” approach, and doesn't handle out of process
> renderers at all.
> For full out-of-process rendering, and for type-1 usecases, the my
> understanding of the current state of the art is that the parent should
> become a Wayland compositor itself. This seems a bit of a co-out to me,
> and doesn't really solve case 2; however, this area is gnarly, so it
> might prove to be the best solution.

>From my pov, for out-of-process rendering approaches, the rendering
and input handling should be opaque
to top/higher-level compositors, with a compositor only requiring
knowledge of its direct children. However, I would think that we
should avoid forcing a compositor model on applications like chrome.
They already have app-local compositors running, together with event
handling. What we should offer (and commit to) is a way to stream
pixel data across process boundaries. Candidate solutions could be:

We use this extension today on Ubuntu Touch for streaming data from
decoded video and from the builtin cameras.
(2.) EGLStream with a texture sink (somewhat in the future).

For convenience, we could see if we could offer applications a way to
become a Mir compositor (ideally by leveraging Gerry's work on
scenegraph integration). But as a bare minimum, I would think that a
well-defined of streaming textures solves the immediate use-cases for
applications that already have an app-local compositor.

> For X, the relevant prior-art is XEMBED¹, in all of its
> map-an-invisible-1x1-window-to-work-around-X11's-focus-model glory.

Ouch, that hurts :) And this is one of the reason why the compositor
hierarchy should be opaque from my POV.



> ¹: http://standards.freedesktop.org/xembed-spec/xembed-spec-latest.html
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