Hi, At FOSDEM on the 1st and 2nd of February 2014, there will be a graphics DevRoom. URL https://fosdem.org/2014/
The focus of this DevRoom is the same as the X.org DevRooms of yore; anything to do with graphics on open source software goes. This includes: * Graphics drivers: from display to media to 3d drivers, both in kernel or userspace. Be it part of DRM, KMS, (direct)FB, V4L, Xorg, Mesa... * Input drivers: kernel and userspace. * Windowing systems: X, Wayland, Mir, directFB, ... * Even colour management and other areas which i might have overlooked above are accepted. Slots are 1 hour long. This partly to avoid confusion and people running all over the place all the time. As a speaker, you do not have to fill your whole hour, smallish gaps are never wasted time. Slots will be handed out on a first come, first serve basis. The best slots will go to those who apply the soonest. The amount of slots is currently not known yet, but i expect there to be around 16 available (8 on each day), so act quickly. Talk Submission: ---------------- New this year is that speakers are expected to submit proposals to the FOSDEM organizers scheduling system directly (pentabarf). This reduces overhead for all involved (especially me - but this directive came from the FOSDEM team), but holds a few caveats. The biggest advantage is that you will be able to adjust your own information and your talk information directly. And you can therefor yourself make sure that the information is correct and complete, and you can even make it match the structure of the FOSDEM website. This is a vast improvement over the freeform emails i used to get, which i then had to form up (somewhat) nicely. This does mean that i will end up having to chase people more... Remember that FOSDEM is not like XDC, it's not some 50 odd people meeting with a sliding schedule which only gets filled in on the last day. Upwards of 7000 people are visiting this event, and most of them get a printed booklet or use the schedule on the FOSDEM website or an app for their phone to figure out what to watch or participate in next. So please put some effort in your talk submission and details. As for deadlines, i hope to have a pretty much complete schedule between christmas and the new year. The rockhard printed schedule deadline is probably January 10th, after that you will not be featured in the booklet and you will have a lot less visitors. I will find out to what extent i will be able to lock down entries and descriptions during those final days. Don't count on this deadline though. First come first serve, and there are perhaps only 16 slots. Submission Caveat #1: --------------------- The first caveat is that all speakers who spoke at FOSDEM from 2011 on should not simply create an account. If you have talked recently you should come to me first, so i can get your details up to date, and so that i can poke the pentabarf admin to create you an account linked to the previous speaker entry. This saves me and the fosdem people overhead, and will allow you to recycle your previous data. The known speakers are: Connor Abbott (*) Eric Anholt Marc Balmer Jesse Barnes Kai-Uwe Behrmann Donnie Berkholz Rob Bradford Robert Bragg Rob Clark Ander Conselvan de Oliviera Michael Hasselman Matthieu Herrb David Herrmann Kristian Høgsberg Peter Hutterer Francisco Jerez Sirko Kemter Alon Levy Chris Lilley Peter Linnell Keith Packard Martin Peres Timothée Ravier Neil Roberts Ian Romanick Lucas Stach Daniel Stone Ville Syrjala Daniel Vetter (*) Chris Wilson (*) Since Daniel Vetter and Connor Abbott are known speakers for 2014 already, they will be contacted soon with account details. They have the questionable honour of being the guinea pigs :) If you are not on the above list, then you can just start at: https://penta.fosdem.org/submission/FOSDEM14 If you are on the above list, then you need to email me or poke me (libv) on freenode. Submission Caveat #2: --------------------- The second caveat is what i need to see filled in when you apply for a devroom before i consider it a valid submission. Remember: first come, first serve. The best slots are for the earliest submissions and there are only around 16 slots. On your personal page: * General: * First and last name * Nickname * Image * Contact: * email * mobile number (this is a very hard requirement as there will be no other reliable form of emergency communication on the day) * Description: * Abstract * Description Create an event: * On the General page: * Event title * Event subtitle. * Track: Graphics Devroom * Event type: Lecture (talk) or Meeting (BoF) * Persons: * Add yourself as speaker. * Description: * Abstract: * Full Description * Links: * Add relevant links. Everything else can be ignored or will be filled in by me or the FOSDEM organizers. That's about it. Hope to see you all at FOSDEM :) Luc Verhaegen. -- Mir-devel mailing list Mir-devel@lists.ubuntu.com Modify settings or unsubscribe at: https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/mir-devel