
By default, the gcc generated PE binaries do not appear to have directory entry #11, a.k.a 'Load Configuration', whereas MSVC generated ones do:

$ objdump -x mingw/rufus.exe | grep "Load Configuration"
Entry a 0000000000000000 00000000 Load Configuration Directory

$ objdump -x vs2022/rufus.exe | grep "Load Configuration"
Entry a 00000000000e6f90 00000140 Load Configuration Directory

Now, per https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/debug/pe-format#the-load-configuration-structure-image-only, the Load Configuration entry has a *very desirable* flag one can set to mitigate the DLL side-loading scourge, called 'DependentLoadFlags' (also documented at https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/cpp/build/reference/dependentloadflag).

When set to 0x800, this tells Windows to only load DLLs from system32 directory only, and disregard anything from the executable/current dir (and, unlike the SetDllDirectory/SetDefaultDllDirectories API calls, the flag is actually honoured at point during the life of the runtime that doesn't render it utterly worthless).

Considering that the current approach to fighting DLL side-loading vulnerabilities for MinGW generated executables is to manually run them through something like procmon, to see if they attempt to load DLLs from nonsystem dirs, and if so, manually apply delay-loading to the DLLs (that is when delay-loading works, because while I didn't have an issue with other DLLs --outside of binutils needing an annoying DECLSPEC_IMPORT redef-- I have been entirely unable to make it work with cfgmgr32 [1]), being able to use a simple flag that tells Windows: "Hey, this application is designed to *not* to ever need to load anything but system DLLs" would be a real godsend.

However, applying that flag requires the GNU PE toolchain that can generate a 'Load Configuration' PE directory entry, and arbitrarily set some the attributes there. And from what I can see, while LLVM has recently introduced an option that adds such a section to set the relevant flag, I don't expect gcc to do so anytime soon, so I would very much like a workaround for it...

Unsurprisingly, this topic is far too advanced for ChatGPT to produce anything useful. I am therefore asking the MinGW experts if they have a solution for this kind of additional PE entry generation.

Thank you,


[1] https://github.com/pbatard/rufus/commit/622e60659cb0c7c3e69f5255c0e99127eed0ada6

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