If I want to configure the gmp library to be built with HAVE_VSNPRINTF
defined, and I'm using a UCRT compiler package, then I need to configure
with the -D__USE_MINGW_ANSI_STDIO flag.
(Otherwise the gmp configure step decides that vsnprintf does not work, and
an mpfr library built against the resultant gmp library exhibits some buggy

But if I'm using an MSVCRT compiler package, then there's no need to
specify that flag.

Is that difference to be expected?
Or is it indicative of some oversight, somewhere?

I'm seeing this difference with the gcc-13.1.0, gcc-13.2.0, gcc-14.1.0 and
gcc-14.2.0 compilers from https://winlibs.com, and it affects both the
32-bit and 64-bit architectures.

Should I raise this issue with  the vendor of those compiler packages ?


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