在 2024-10-21 18:30, Jacek Caban 写道:
I'm not sure about 32-bit targets, I'd expect that it would be mostly fine assumption, but it would contradict efforts to support crts from win9x era. For 64-bit it's always available, SSE is a requirement there, we should be able to just skip runtime check there.

A random document on the Internet suggests that Windows 98 has partial support for SSE (without unmasked exceptions) in the appendix. This document claims itself as authored by Intel which I can't verify:


BTW, affected functions seem to be available in modern msvcrt (msvcr120 and UCRT), so another solution for the bug would be to move those function out of mingwex and use implementation provided by OS when possible.

I can take a look later.

Best regards,

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